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National Coffee Day Fail

Today (September 29, 2013) is National Coffee Day. Lots of restaurants are giving out free coffee to commemorate the day. I would say that my National Coffee Day experience was a fail. I went to a national chain restaurant that I won’t name around lunch time. It has a rewards card program and its “free coffee” deal was attached to the rewards card. I didn’t have the card with me because too many stores have rewards cards now. I try to limit the ones I carry around to the stores I frequent a lot. I also use an app on my iPhone to “carry” them around.

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The Biggest Mistake After a Raise

We all love the idea of getting a raise. Oh the things we could do with more money! Whether you are an hourly employee, salaried, or working on full commission, you will experience a raise (hopefully) many times throughout your career . It could be a raise in your current pay within the same job, a promotion to another position, or moving to another company that pays more money. It is a wonderful feeling to make more money, because it helps us feel more accomplished at what we do.

However, there is a huge mistake many people make when they get a raise. Because of this, they really don’t see much long-term gains from the increase of their income over time. What is this mistake?

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Which is the Cheaper Store? Walmart or Traditional Grocery Store?

The topic of discount stores vs traditional grocers often spark a lot of debate. Which type of store offers the better value for the money on groceries? Discount stores like Walmart and Target, or traditional grocery stores like Publix, Kroger, Meijer, etc.?

Based on my experience, I believe that traditional grocery stores will provide you with the maximum amount of savings on grocery items. Here are three reasons why.

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